Teakhaus 315 End Grain Cutting Board
End grain rectangular all-teak cutting boards are an eye-catching complement to any home or professional kitchen. This special line of extremely well built and high-end cutting boards have been designed from the ground up to meet the needs of professional chefs and serious home cooks as well as those who may be looking for accessories to their kitchen that are aesthetically pleasing as they are functional. Teakhaus has always set themselves apart by offering a compelling product line that challenges conventional thinking about cutting boards. The specialized teak wood featured in this product is first cut into strips and then constructed piece by piece into a high-quality cutting board. The main advantage of such a special end-grain only cutting board is its durability. This special board is good for hiding knife marks and it will not dull your blades as quickly as a plastic or glass cutting board will due to the knife gliding across the grain instead of against it. Teakhaus has a very unique perspective when selecting the special wood for its cutting boards, taking only 100% natural teak from its plantations on the Mexican Pacific Coast and other regions in Latin America. Years of careful attention to environmentally and socially responsible forestry practices, Teakhaus is able to guarantee that all wood used in their products comes from a sustainably grown, legally harvested crop and is in compliance with many different rigorous environmental standards ensuring you an unique and one-of-a-kind high end cutting board that will last for years and provide a quality aesthetic pop to your kitchen.